Editorial Board

Latypov Rustem Faridovich, Head of the Republican Center Personnel Testing of BAPSM, Doctor of Political Sciences, Docent (Editor Chief)

Arabadjiiski Nikolay Zaprinov (Republic of Bulgaria), Professor of Department of Administration and Management of New Bulgaria University, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Bogatyreva Valentina Vasilyevna (Republic of Belarus), Rector of Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Valinurova Lilia Sabikhovna, Deputy Director for Innovation, Head of Department of Innovative Economics of INEB UUST, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Degtyarev Aleksandr Nikolayevich, Associate Member of ASRB, Vice-President of ASRB, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Degtyareva Irina Viktorovna, Head of Department of Economic Theory of INEB UUST, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Enikeev Vadim Vazikhovich, Deputy Chief Editor of «Economics and Management: Research and Practice Journal»

Haitin Fei (People's Republic of China), associate Director of the Research Center for Chinese Politics at Peking University, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor

Korgunyuk Yuriy Grigorjevich, Leading Researcher of Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of RAS, Doctor of Political Sciences

Nikonova Galina Nikolaevna, Associate Member of RAS, Head of the Department for Forecasting of the Transformation of Economic Structures and Land Relations of the North-Western esearch Institute of Economics and Organization of Agriculture, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Orlova Dinara Rustemovna, Professor of Department of economic theory of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Docent

Rossinskaya Galina Mikhailovna, Professor of Department of Economics and Regional Development of INEB UUST, Doctor of Economics, Docent

Solodilova Natalia Zinovjevna, Director of Institute of Economics and Service of USPTU, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Turgel Irina Dmitrievna, Director of the School of Economics and Management, Head of the Department of Theory, Methodology and Legal Support of Public and Municipal Administration of the Institute of Economics and Management of the Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Khramtsova Flura Ibragimovna (Republic of Belarus), Professor of the Department of Public Administration at the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus, Dr. Polit. of Sciences, Professor

Shabrov Oleg Fedorovich, Professor of the Department of Public Policy of Faculty of Political Science of Moscow State University, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

Sham Minh (Socialist Republic of Vietnam), Chairman of the Association "Economics and Management" Ho Chi Minh City, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Shkel Stanislav Nikolaevich, Professor of Department of Political Science, Sociology and Public Relations of IOGB of USPTU, Professor of Department of Political Science of Perm State National Research University, Doctor of Political Sciences, Docent

Wei Gu (People's Republic of China), Executive Director of the Department of Russian and Central Asian Studies at the Institute of International Relations of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, PhD. Jurid. of Sciences, Leading researcher

Yamalova Elvira Nailevna, Acting Vice-Rector for Information Policy at Ufa University of Science and Technology, Head of the Department of Political Science and Public Relations, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

Abdrakhmanov Daniyar Mavliyarovich, Rector of the Bashkir Academy of Public Service and Management (BAPSM) under the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Candidate of Philosophy, Docent (Chairman of the Board)

Akhunov Rustem Rinatovich, Associate Member of Academy of Science of the Republic of Bashkortostan (ASRB), Chief Scientific Officer of the Laboratory of Modern Problems of Regional Economy of Ufa Federal Research Center (UFRC) of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Doctor of Economics, DBA, Docent

Ayupov Mansur Anvarovich, Associate Member of ASRB, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

Bakhtizin Albert Raufovich, Associate Member of RAS, Director of the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of RAS, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Burenina Irina Valerievna, Professor of USPTU, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Burenko Vladimir Ivanovich, Professor of Department of Philosophy, Cultural studies and Political Sciences of Moscow University for the Humanities, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

Gainanov Damir Akhnafovich, Scientific Director of Social-economic Research Institute of UFRC of RAS, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Grachev Mikhail Nikolaevich, Professor Department of Theoretical and Applied Political Sciences of Faculty of History, Political Sciences and Law of Russian State University for the Humanities, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

Grishin Konstantin Evgenievich, Director of the Institute of Economics, Management and Business (INEB) of the Ufa University of Science and Technology (UUST), Doctor of Economics, Docent

Dorozhkin Yuriy Nikolaevich, Professor of Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines and Digital Technologies of BAPSM, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

Zaznayev Oleg Ivanovich, Head of Department of Political Sciences of Kazan Federal University, Doctor of Law, Professor

Zulkarnay Ildar Uzbekovich, Head of the Laboratory of Modern Problems of Regional Economy of UFRC of RAS, Doctor of Economics, Docent

Iljicheva Ludmila Yefimovna, Director of Center for Public-private Partnerships of Institute of Public Administration and Management of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA), Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

Kuzminykh Natalia Aleksandrovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Innovative Economics of INEB UUST, Candidate of Economics, Docent

Kynev Aleksandr Vladimirovich, Docent of Political Sciences Department of Higher School of Economics – National Research University, Candidate of Political Sciences, Docent

Lavrentjev Sergey Nikolaevich, Docent of BAPSM, Candidate of History, Docent

Mardanov Rustem Khabibovich, Head of the Ural Main Department of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Economics, Docent

Makhmutov Timur Anvarovich, Director of the Department of International and Regional Cooperation of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, Candidate of Political Science

Obodets Roman Vasilyevich, Professor of the Department of Economics and Management of the Bashkir Academy of Public Service and Management under the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Doctor of Economics, Docent

Pavroz Aleksandr Vasiljevich, Docent of Russian Politics Department of the Faculty of Political Sciences of Saint Petersburg State University, Doctor of Political Sciences, Docent

Panov Petr Vyacheslavovich, Head of Department of Public Administration and History of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

Porokhovskiy Anatoliy Aleksandrovich, Head of Political Economy Department of Economic Faculty of Moscow State University, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Skiperskikh Aleksandr Vladimirovich, Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Yeletsky State University named after I. A. Bunin, Dr. polit. Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor

Timofeeva Lidiya Nikolaevna, Professor of Department of Political Science and Political Governance of RANEPA, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor

Tolkachev Konstantin Borisovich, Chairman of State Assembly – Kurultay of Bashkortostan, Doctor of Law, Professor

Chuganskaya Anfisa Anvarovna, Research Associate of the Institute of System Analysis of the Federal Research Center "Informatics and Management" of RAS, Candidate of Psychological Sciences