Latest Issue (№ 5/2024)

See the articles here.

Actual problems of the Economy and Society

A. STOLETOV, R. LUKMANOVA. The Problem of Solidarity Formation in the Solidarity Economy

E. BAYKOVA, K. APOKINA. The Economy of Impressions: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects

O. COMPANIYTSEVA. Conceptual Problems of Investment Activity of the Innovation Process in Russia

Z. SABIROVA, O. SIDOROVA. Development of Investment Services in the Digital Environment

P. REZNICHENKO. Features and Approaches to Business Digitalization

G. NIGMATULLINA, L. SAYFUTDINOVA, F. DAVLETSHINA. The Use of Personal Computers in Modern Conditions: Mathematical Approach in Economic Analysis

A. TRAORE. Influence of Human Resources on Business Competitiveness

Regional Economy

D. GAINANOV, S. KIRILLOVA, A. ULYAEVA. Creation of a Mixed-type Agglomeration using the Example of the Ufa Agglomeration

V. PECHATKIN. Development of Industrial Clusters in Russian Regions: Problems and Measures to Solve Them

R. GATAULLIN, E. CHUVASHAEVA. Features of the Project Approach in the Management of Socio-economic Development of Municipalities

A. GARIFULLINA, Z. SIZONENKO. Innovative Approaches to the Management System at the Regional Level: from Digitalization to Sustainable Development

A. BIKMAEVA. Specialization of the Regional Economy: Theoretical and Practical Aspects

P. IVANOV. Investment Development of the Region: Problems and Opportunities for Growth in Modern Conditions

Management. Finance

I. SERGIENKO, M. KRYMOVA, S. KAMALOVA, E. SERGIENKO. Management the Training of HR Specialists in the Digital Economy

E. KHALIKOVA, K. BASHIROVA. Transformation of the Information Environment of Educational Institution Management in the Concept of Sustainable Development (based on the Materials of the FSBEI «USPTU»)

E. ARYLBAEVA. Formation of Key Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluating the Performance of the Innovation Ecosystem of the Territory

T. GORBUNOVA. Ways to Improve the Efficiency of Procurement Activities in the Context of Digitalization

I. KHANAFIEVA, A. GALYAUTDINOVA. Analysis of the Influence of ESG-factors on the Assessment of the Financial Condition of an Enterprise

O. GAVRILINA, N. SEMUSHKIN, M. ALJABARI. On the Methodology of Fundamental Analysis to Improve the Efficiency of the Russian Securities Market in Conditions of Uncertainty

I. BURVINA. Comparison of Ijar in the Islamic Financing Model and Leasing in the Conventional Financial Model

Social Processes

«Round Table». The Scientific School of Professor N.A. Aitov and the Socio-economic Development of Ufa

R. NASIBULLIN. Life Lived in Science (for the Centenary of Professor N.A. Aitov)

G. BAYMURZINA. Research on Employment at Industrial Enterprises in Ufa in the 1970s and 80s: What is Valuable and Relevant Today?

F. FAYZULLIN. A Modern City as an Object of Management

R. VALIAKHMETOV. The Complication of the Social Structure of the Population (on the Example of Ufa)

G. AKHMETOVA. Migration Trends in Ufa: Historical Retrospective and Modernity

A. VALIEVA, D. NOSOVA, E. ZALILOVA. On the Issue of State Regulation of Foster Family

A. AKCHURINA, A. KAGARMANOVA. Diagnostics of the Standard of Living of the Population in the Republic of Bashkortostan and Identification of Threats in This Area

Z. SABIROVA. Makhmutov Readings: Annual Scientific and Practical Conference