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Regional and Sectoral Economics
I. ZULKARNAY, S. MARICHEV. Petrochemical Region Management Circuits in the Face of Global Challenges
G. YAKSHIBAYEVA, M. IMAMOV. Harmonization of Regulation of Regional Labor Migration
V. NEGANOVA. Key Determinants of Digital Transformation of the Agro-industrial Complex: the Human Factor
R. KHASAN, A. KHISAEVA, E. MURZINA, G. SUNAEVA. Artificial Intelligence in the Environment of the Regional Economy on the Example of the Subjects of the Volga Federal District
M. BOCHENINA, S. KURGINA, S. MUZALEVSKAYA, T. YANGIROV. Effectiveness of the Regional Healthcare System: Rating of the Subjects of the Russian Federation
A. GALINA, R. ABDULLIN, D. ABDULLINA. Prospects and Opportunities for Optimizing the Process of Personnel Adaptation in the Organization
I. LAPTEVA. Actual Problems of Ensuring Raw Material Safety in the Regional Dairy Sector
E. MARCHENKO, M. BOGATYREVA. Investments in Human Resources as the Basis of an Organization's Development Strategy
Yu. RUDNEVA, E. BOROVKOVA. Construction of a Financial Model for the Implementation of the Social Project "Social Assistance" at an Oil Industry Enterprise
E. TERELETSKOVA, E. GILYAZOV. Analysis of the Needs of the Modern Organization of the Transport Industry in Personnel Training
T. MARUSHCHAK. Modern Trends in the Development of Passenger Service Organization in Railway Station Complexes
K. KLEKOVKINA. Financial Incentives for Teachers of Higher Educational Institutions
Economic Policy: Theory and Practice
V. ANTROPOV, A. GUSEV. Methodological Principles of Regulating the Economic Behavior of the Population in the Context of Structural Changes
L. KUNAKBAEVA. Problems of Ensuring Russia's Economic Security in Relations with the EAEU Countries in the Context of Geopolitical Tension
N. SUKHOVA, A. GAFFANOVA. Using SWOT Analysis to Assess the Potential of High Technologies
G. GALIMOVA. Tax Regulation of Economic Processes
V. OSTAPENKO. Dynamics of Wage Inequality in Conditions of Labor Shortage in Russia
A. ZHELNOVA. Trends of the Development of External Relations of the Republic of Bashkortostan in the Context of Sanctions Restrictions
Political Institutions, Processes and Technologies
R. LATYPOV. The Code of Professional Ethics of a Modern Chinese Official
I. SERGIENKO, D. SHARAFUTDINOV. Increasing the Region’s Human Resources Potential in the Context of Digital Transformation
R. OBODETS, Yu. GAREEVA. Prospects for the Development of Grant Activity of Local Governments in the Context of Digitalization
T. GALIULLIN. Foreign Experience in Improving the Civil Service Management System (on the Example of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
S. ZABOROVSKAYA. Organization of Intra-Organizational Training in the Civil and Municipal Service System
D. RAKHIMZHANOVA, K. VOSTRIKOV. Characteristics of Public Service Systems in the BRICS Countries
I. FARKHUTDINOVA, G. SABITOV. Media Spaces and Political Communications: Channels of Interaction
V. SALYAKHUTDINOV. Functions of the Digital State in the Context of Modern Russia
M. GLADKOVA, A. GLADKOV, I. LYAPIN. The Development of Political Consciousness of Cadets in an Open Information Space
R. VAGAPOV, Q. WANG. Managing the Socio-Cultural Adaptation of International Students: the Experience of Ufa University of Science and Technology